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About us

We are making Finland a place where work increases well-being – and we take pleasure in each job that we create.

Työkanava Oy

A new way to find and offer employment

Our most important task is to help applicants with impaired capacity to work find employment that meets their skills and abilities. Työkanava directly employs people with impaired capacity to work and enables companies to benefit from their work contribution. We reinforce the skills and job market readiness of people with impaired capacity to work to increase the opportunities for them to access the open job market. We always aim for permanent employment.

Read more about Työkanava
Boldness, respect and togetherness

Responsible and supported employment service and personnel solutions

Responsible and supported employment service and personnel solutions

Our goal is to enable companies to tap into a pool of capable and competent workers. We focus on production meeting the need for employees and helping our employing customers improve their productivity by allocating tasks to suitable workers. We are boldly carving out our own unique market category on a long-term basis.

Strategy and values
Meet Työkanavas’s experts

How can we help you?

No question is too little or too big. Työkanava’s experts are there to help. Please don’t hesitate to contact us!

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