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Feedback and whistleblowing channel

On this page, you can give feedback regarding our operations and report suspected misconduct.

Thank you for your feedback!

We collect feedback to develop our operations. You can ask about our activities, give feedback or contact us using the form below.

We process all received feedback in confidence. If you would like us to contact you, please leave your contact details. We aim to process all feedback as soon as possible.

The personal data collected from the feedback is used solely to process the feedback. Please do not enter any confidential personal data in the form. You can find more information about privacy and personal data processing in the privacy statement.

Palaute- ja yhteydenottolomake

Tällä lomakkeella voit antaa meille palautetta ja jättää yhteydenottopyynnön. Mikäli haluat, että otamme sinuun yhteyttä, niin lisääthän yhteystietosi lomakkeeseen.

Reporting suspected misconduct

We have a confidential whistleblowing channel for reporting suspected misconduct. Via the channel, Työkanava’s personnel and external stakeholders can provide anonymous feedback regarding misconduct, harassment or unethical activities.

We encourage you to report suspected misconduct in order to discover potential misconduct as early as possible and take the required measures in response to it. All reports are processed confidentially and anonymously, excluding situations where the reporter wants to reveal their identity.

You can report a suspected case of misconduct using the form below. Please note that the form is only meant for reporting suspected cases of misconduct.

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