Työkanava, Etusivu
A pioneer of more rewarding work.
We offer responsible and supported employment and personnel solutions. Our most important task is to help applicants with impaired capacity to work find employment that meets their skills and abilities. Työkanava directly employs people with impaired capacity to work and enables companies to benefit from their work contribution. We reinforce the skills and job market readiness of people with impaired capacity to work to increase the opportunities afforded them to access the open job market. We always aim for permanent employment.
We identify the requirements of the job and provide the right employees for various tasks in a flexible and reliable manner. We challenge conventional ways of thinking about work and help our customers identify the tasks suitable for Työkanava’s employees. Where necessary, we can help remodel the work. All of the employees we provide for our customer companies sign an employment contract with Työkanava. Työkanava’s own experts are there to stand by and support our employees and customer companies. We offer ongoing support to our employees and work communities. If necessary, our employees find individual support via our networks.
When the operations of Työkanava were established and launched, the state’s starting point was to exclusively promote the employment of people with impaired capacity to work by enabling even the most disadvantaged people with impaired capacity to work to find employment. In this case, Työkanava must employ the unemployed people with impaired capacity to work assigned to it by a public employment service. The company’s operations may not distort competition on the open market. To ensure competitiveness and market pricing, the company includes a separate advisory committee. Although Työkanava must operate in a profitable manner in accordance with normal business principles, its primary objective is not to make a profit for its owner.
Corporate governanceTyökanava’s corporate governance is the responsibility of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. With regard to corporate governance, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment monitors Työkanava’s operations and the meeting of the targets set for the company.
Board of Directors
Työkanava has a Board of Directors, which comprises a minimum of six and a maximum of eight members in accordance with the law and the articles of association. The Board of Directors is appointed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment at Työkanava’s general meeting, which also decides on the seats on the board.
The chairperson of Työkanava’s Board of Directors is Permanent State Under-Secretary Elina Pylkkänen from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, and the vice chairperson is Jukka Kinnunen, CEO (retired). The other board members include:
Raimo Antila, Director General, Ministry of Social Affairs and HealthSirpa Huuskonen, Vice President, TokmanniEssi Lindberg, Communications Manager, LaboreJukka Lindberg, Development Manager, Vates FoundationLeena Munter, Head of Transformation, Business Finland
FinancingTyökanava is primarily financed by the compensation paid for the obligation to produce a public service, equity financing and the profits from the company’s operations. The financing to capitalise Työkanava comes from Finland’s sustainable growth programme used to promote ecologically, socially and economically sustainable growth. For this reason, Työkanava must meet the so-called “Do No Significant Harm” requirements.
Työkanava was established in 2022.
More information about Työkanava Ltd:
The Act on Työkanava Ltd (in Finnish)Policy Guidelines (in Finnish)Governance System (in Finnish)Financial statements (in Finnish)The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment website